CIB W104 International Conferences

CIB W104 annual conferences on open building were held around the world since 1996.
Past meetings have been held in Tokyo, Hong Kong, Taipei, Washington, DC, Helsinki, Brighton, Delft, Mexico, Paris, Eindhoven, Muncie and Noordwijk.
Next year, the commission will meet in Purdue University, USA (CIB World Building Congress 2025: Structure of the City: Designing for Today and Tomorrow).
Below is a list of W104 annual conference sites.

World Building Congress 2025 "Structure of the City: Designing for Today and Tomorrow (Spatial Equity and Inclusiveness)", Purdue University, USA, 2025.
Call for Abstracts: Please send abstracts to by Aug 31, 2024.

24th International Conference "Building Our Future", Melbourne, Australia, 2022
Call for submission: A resilient everyday built environment is a product of a long-term cultivation process rather than a short-term creation. In this cultivation process, in which permanence and change are constantly rebalanced, no single actor makes all decisions ¨C design tasks are separated and distributed in a hierarchy of levels of intervention over time. Urban designers set the stage for building design, and building design sets the stage for fit-out or infill design. These are the principles underlying the Open Building approach. After the large-scale housing construction and urban sprawl that emerged worldwide during the second half of the 20th century, the beginning of the 21st century witnessed equally large-scale programs of maintenance, remodelling, revitalization, adaptation and regeneration of the existing housing stock. Accumulated experience, findings and practices in regenerative housing projects during these watershed decades can be shared, exchanged and debated. The W104 Open Building Implementation session of the Congress of International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction in 2022 is the time and platform for these exchanges and debates.

We welcome papers that address any of the following issues under the themes:

  • What are the experiences in urban housing regeneration cases in the last 20 years?
  • What are the experiences in housing design with communities?
  • What are the obstacles to the prevailing urban design and architectural theories and methods for guiding the processes of regeneration?
  • What are the innovations in design methods that support professionals and communities working together in the housing sector?
  • What are the innovations in marketing, management, technology, material and design education that support the long-term sustainability of regenerative housing?
  • What innovations can be reported in developments toward a residential fit-out or infill industry?
We wish you fruitful academic and/or professional time in the coming years! Looking forward to meeting you in Melbourne 2022

23rd International Conference "Smart and interactive-- Building a Sustainable Future in Asia", Hong Kong, China, 2019

22th International Conference "Resilient Cities", Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2018

21st International Conference, A Special Session and Business meeting, held in conjunction with UIA 2017, Themed at "Soul of City", Seoul, Korea, 2017

15th International Conference "Changing Roles", Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 2009

14th International Conference "Education for Open Architecture", Muncie, the USA, 2008

13th International Conference in conjunction with the CIB World Building Conference 2007 "Construction for Development", Cape Town, South Africa, 2007
→ More Detailed Information

12th International Conference "ADAPTABLES 2006", Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2006
→ Conference Announcement: Nov. 25, 2005
→ Download the Report: PDF File (1.08MB)

11th International Conference in conjuction with the SB05 Sustainable Building Conference in Tokyo "Action for Sustainability", Tokyo, Japan, 2005
→ Timetable for CIB W104 11th Meeting in Tokyo with AIJ Open Building Sub Committee, Sep. 30, 2005 (PDF, 36KB)

10th International Conference "Open Building and Sustainable Environment", Paris, France, 2004

9th International Conference "Dense Living Urban Structure", Hong Kong, China PR, 2003

8th International Conference "Balancing Resources and Quality in Housing",
Mexico City, Mexico, 2002

7th International Conference "Agile Architecture", Delft, The Netherlands, 2001

6th International Conference "Continuous Customization in Housing (OBT2000)",
Tokyo, Japan, 2000

© 2004-2006 CIB W104 Open Building Implementation. All rights reserved. Never reproduce or republicate without written permission.